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  • Advantages

    With our name on your product, you as a manufacturer benefit from numerous advantages

    Orientation and safety for the consumer

    Consideration of legal requirements and new analytical methods

    Labeling by an independent laboratory of the renowned SGS Group Germany

    Advantage of trust towards retailer and customer

    Credibility and trust building through transparency and safety

    Creation of a visible USP for your product

    Our values

    The SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS stands for the values of safety, quality, competence and independence. For more than 160 years, our laboratories have been carrying out comprehensive and manufacturer-independent tests in terms of consumer protection. We guarantee you an objective review of your product.

    The name usage program in the food industry

    As an example, the way to use the name for your product could look like this:

    Awarding of a SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS-tested unique selling proposition.

    The company:
    The medium-sized company Müsli GmbH produces various types of muesli.

    The product:
    Its new variety is a low-sugar, high-protein muesli.

    The goal:
    The company is looking for the best possible entry into the market with its new product.

    The way to the use of the name

    The sales manager approaches us with the request to have the unique selling points of the new muesli confirmed by the independent institute.

    Together, we define a meaningful test framework for the muesli. According to this, samples of the muesli are then tested in our laboratory.

    If the laboratory tests show no objections, Müsli GmbH can conclude a contract with SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS for the use of the mark. This contract specifies the promotional use and the regular testing framework.

    The company can now advertise its new muesli variety with the claim “Regular testing of sugar and protein content by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS” on the packaging.

    These advantages result for the market launch

    • The claim in the corporate layout:
      Müsli GmbH can design the claim in its own corporate design. Colors, fonts and placement can be optimally matched to the product.
    • Advertising in key channels:
      The name usage program allows effective promotion of the product with reference to SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS on many channels, such as social media, websites, print media at the point of sale.
    • High acceptance and trustworthiness: Promoting the independently tested unique selling proposition underscores the credibility of the new product.

    We are the experts for questions about the quality of food.

    We support you with all questions relating to food safety and the claiming of quality criteria for your products and services.

    The name usage program for the catering and hotel industry (Hospitality)

    The name use program is also open to businesses in the catering and hotel industry. Here, the focus is on hygiene inspections, which our auditors carry out regularly in hotels, (system) catering businesses, and also on cruise ships.

    As an example, the process of using the name takes place in this way:

    Award of the regular hygiene inspections by the SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS

    The company:
    The quick-service restaurant chain 1-2-3 Fast Food GmbH already has the legally required hygiene inspections carried out by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS.

    The goal:
    Following a change in management, the resaturant chain would like to strengthen the topic of consumer safety in its marketing strategy and also use the regular hygiene inspections by the independent SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS for advertising purposes.

    The path to name usage

    The regular hygiene inspections, together with the name usage layout designed by 1-2-3 Fast Food GmbH, are documented in a license agreement and signed by both parties.

    These are the advantages for the restaurant branches

    • Visible to customers:
      The branches of 1-2-3 Fast Food GmbH now carry stickers on the entrance doors with the specified layout “Regular hygiene checks by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS”, giving customers a clear conscience about eating here.
    • Hardly any additional effort:
      Since the hygiene checks and laboratory tests were also previously carried out by SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS, the name usage program causes hardly any additional effort for the company.
    • Precisely tailored support for the advertising campaign:
      The design of the name usage layout, e.g. in the form of the sticker on the entrance doors, matches the corporate design of the company.

    We are the experts for questions about the quality of food.

    We support you with all questions relating to food safety and the claiming of quality criteria for your products and services.

    Our references for the use of the name “SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS”

    These products and services are regularly inspected by us and are allowed to advertise with SGS INSTITUT FRESENIUS as part of the name usage program.

    Food & Beverages

    Here you will find all the companies and products that participate in the name usage process for the food industry.

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    These companies take their responsibility for their guests seriously and let us audit them.

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    All about the use of the name

    Award process | Advantages for companies and consumer | Questions & Answers | Products in the name usage program

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